Warrior of truth
That may sound rather a strange title, but to be honest I needed something to grab your attention here. For I can imagine that a psychic biography is not the most exciting read on your list today. After all, there are plenty of other people out there writing about their psychic moments. Ghosts in the cupboard, intergalactic warfare, aliens, karma, even angelic beings. I could go on, but I want to get you on board with my very own fairyland adventure.
I will come clean here. They are all in my biography. All those psychic things I just mentioned. I just wanted to grab your attention before another rainy day gets you too, and you settle into a different psychic bio on the shelf. From mine that is. I want you to read this one.
Reconnecting with old truths
I have always felt a bit of a nonentity really. And you know why. Because I was born on a hill miles from anywhere and my life was rather dull. And that is the only reason. The rest has been great. My life now is full-on spooky, and I believe it is the best moment of my entire existence. And I live in Rutland, another reclusive area with its own karmic call. More on that soon.
At last I have a plan, and it has a LOT to do with writing books, for that skill was lost through time. By that, I mean it got abandoned as a usable skill somewhere in the Middle Ages. Obviously, I am talking about a prior incarnation. Everything I am saying here connects with karma and prior incarnations. And many of those writing incarnations included my friend Maggi. For I have been a writer before. Ethel was there too. We mustn’t forget her, for she created the greatest drama of the ancient world. It was called The Medusa and it was my original idea. You see, my grandmother Ethel, she had another relationship to me then. She was Euripides, the greatest writer on Earth, and I was Aristophanes the playwright of comedic fame.
Now before I go on. I will introduce these two characters properly. They were great playwrights of the Classical Era. You can google them. I have. And I have found out their dates in history. Ari was producing plays around 405-423 BC. And Euripides was producing them around 405-431 BC. They were friends, and what’s more we shared a maiden aunt. She was Diocleton.. There was Diocletia too. She was my real sister. Google that and you won’t find it, for that came out of my head just now. It’s called clairaudience.
The point is I am a clairaudient and I hear things. And when you have a spirit guide like Ethel she fills you, or me, in on the details of my past lives. But only if you can hear what she is telling you. If you were clairaudient, then you might get a picture of Diocleton, but it wouldn’t be the same would it. I mean, how would you know her name. So that is why I, and not you out there, can say things about life on Earth before you were born. I hear them in my head. .
Aristophanes, my last incarnation as a writer of good works
Ari is my past incarnation, but he is more than that. He is also a guide, for I can access his persona through my soul connection to truth. He is not sitting on my shoulder prompting me. No. that would be my mother here, Jean. Or maybe Auntie Elsie who wants to come in and say hello. Those are spirits who talk to clairvoyants for fun purposes. My gran though is different. She is helping me as a spirit guide. There is a difference. Ari works a lot like my gran, but he is a past persona. In other words he uses me as a channel for his own wit.
Ari can tell me situations in his own inimitable style which is humorous but also instructive. He does not choose the content. I do. But he comes in to use his intellectual gifts which are humour and wit.
Writing is a not a necessary skill for psychics
I could choose to use my own writing skill, but it would be rather dull in comparison. I was born on a hill near a little town, and it was raining. That kind of thing. But that is terribly drab and it would never sell a book., After all, who wants to read another boring autobiography of another dull psychic who can’t write. I don’t mean to be rude here, but not every psychic has my abilities. We are all different, after all. We all have different personas in our cupboard of outgoing energetic connections to past history.
The psychic autograph
Now, Aristophanes is not me, and Euripides is not my gran Ethel. They were different characters and they had different skills. They were writers. I need that skill today, for I am, or wasn’t, a writer either. I’ve just taken it up. .
Karma and me
Euripides wrecked my ability to write in that prior incarnation, and now Ethel must pay the full price. Karma waits for the right moment in time to appear. It can’t manifest over night if the situation is wrong. You might think that two and a half thousand years is a long time for karma to manifest. Well, there is much more to this story than just one argument in a theatre in Ancient Greece. There is much more to this karma than I am speaking of here.
Soul scripted healers
People like me are essential workers right now. Writing is a mainstream healing tool. Poor old Ari lost his nerve to write in that lifetime. That nervous anxiety about revealing my true feelings has followed me into this life as well.
Ari was the most prolific worker in my incarnational history. He wrote at speed, for he was a lightworker by intent. He had a spiritual aspect too and that is why I use his voice to speak out to you. He knows how to write.
As I said, I am a clairaudient and not a mainstream writer. It was never my calling. And that is why I need a spirit guide like Ethel to connect to my etheric shield. This is the Akashic Record Book that many, or most, of you will know about. It helps me to understand my karma, so that I can speak out about it to you lot out there on Earth. Then you will understand that life and the universe are real. Not just a bunch of crooks on a rainy day doing the cards for you. I mean we psychics have always been abhorred by mainstream media. Unless it be a TV special like ghost hunting in Tutankhamun’s tomb.
Me, Mary Rose 2014
“Let each man exercise the art he knows”