Diana Mary Rose (Nan Lian Garden, Hong Kong 2019)
The healer in me
I was not born a healer, although I would say I was certainly a psychic entity. That means that I had the capacity to heal at source and yet I had no real intention of healing today. But ultimately that healing came through for a reason. I was catapulted into believing in my own healing power through my kids’ illnesses. That is the way of the world. You find the strength to cope and endure while at the same time you set yourself off on a new healing pathway.
I created that mission because of life’s crises. First there was Alexander, my first born. Then there was James and finally came along a nightmare called Marianne. Each of them taught me patience, significant fear and also how to get out of a hole of my own making. After all, I had brought them into the world, I needed to fix their health concerns. The children were all born with multiple allergic reactions to life on the planet we call Earth. They were fit and healthy at soul, but down here they brought through a karmic heritage full of asthma, eczema, stomach issues such as vomiting and so forth. That may not sound too bad to you, but to me it was dreadful. I had had none of these problems as a child, and I soon learnt how to fix them. I went along to a homeopath. Easy. She told me about my genetic heritage, and also gave me many prescriptions of homeopathic medication to cure all of these conditions. It took years and years. Moreover she made me understand how many of these issues were created by vaccines. And at one level that is certainly true. Most, if not all, of their issues started after a vaccine jab. So that was another layer to remove. Vaccines. Ill health comes from soul, but it is also true that ill health in your child, and certainly mine, is often connected to one of the vaccine shots too.
My ambition was to get them well enough to be able to cope with modern day life without reverting to type. That would be getting caught up in the vaccine/antibiotic/and every other chemical pill a medical doctor might prescribe on a daily basis. It is my belief that drug taking should be taken only in dire need. Why does that matter? Because as we grow older, we become more dependent on the medical prescriber. Our natural immunity wanes, or at the very least it becomes less stable. We wobble about beleaguered by various ailments. At the time we really need medical expertise we are by then already immune compromised by years of antibiotic taking for those ear problems which mutated into other physical issues later on.
That means we tend to grow old these days laden with drugs to fix us up. I am in my 60s today, and take no drugs. I want that status for all of my kids. Starting young with natural healing methods means that I have accepted my lot. By avoiding the pitfalls of the average GP practice, I have now reached an elderly age with good health. Now, that may sound mean on my doctors over the years. But it is not. They have often suggested a drug or two. I have denied that route or pathway, for I felt well enough to cope through using natural methodology. Had I taken the first drug they suggested, I would still be on those drugs today. Drugs are for life, they tell you when you seek out a medical practitioner. Yes, they are. Big Pharma heals via propping up the elderly. If you come off them beware is the threatening tone. So yes, I would still be taking those drugs. As it is, I take nothing. That is how I expect my children to grow elderly. Without resorting to modern day methods of healing. Whether they do is their freewill, but that was my expectation at their birth.
Healing early on, or at root, creates good health later on. It is the old acorn and oak thing. A healthy oak tree comes from a strong acorn. Decimate the acorn through chemicals and the oak may be sturdy and yet beneath the surface there will be damage from all the carnage created by chemical pollution. That comes to roost, to use another expression from nature, in old age. We crumble through neglect. We take the easy route to success which to me means taking Big Pharma at his word. Take this and all will be well. I don’t accept chemical intervention as normal in the least. At best it is a prop for you to recover successfully once your condition has improved enough for your natural immunity to take control once more. At worst it is a lesson for life. Don’t take my drug or you’ll be taking it until you die.
I am a perfectionist at heart, as you can tell. I wanted all my kids to be well, safe and secure combined with enjoying the kind of childhood I had had. That meant being free of doctors’ drugs, no asthma, no eczema and certainly no allergic responses like vomiting up food, eternal diarrhoea, glue ear, ear infections and going down with weird bugs that lasted for weeks on end. That was my initial summary of my kids’ conditions. I have used antibiotics for glue ear. It caused us years of misery through creating a candida infection that took control of James’ entire body. The term I heard used was candidiasis. Another name bandied around for this debilitating condition is ME. It was a disastrous decision to take my doctor’s word that antibiotics were the best thing for my son’s ear infection. Did my doctor understand that? No way, he was off to a new job teaching at a Scottish medical school, no doubt enthusing about how effective antibiotics were for ear infections. Doctors don’t hang around long enough to see the results of their endeavours. It took nine months for the full blown candidiasis situation to take hold, and another few years to get it back to base. I had been at my wits’ end. Through reading by chance a book about about allergies, which had a full blown section about candida, I finally realised what my doctor had done. He had undermined James’ natural immunity and compromised his life skills. It was considerable luck that I discovered the cause, for then I could enquire around local practitioners of alternative medicine what the hell I should do about it. It’s not easy being a mother with a conscience. You sweat and make yourself low through sheer concern.
That was just one of my children’s many run ins with conventional medicine. As you can see, I have tried modern day medicine, many times indeed, and every time it has had a detrimental impact on my children’s health. So why don’t the doctors’ know you ask me, surely they were as concerned as you? My doctors denied everything. They were useless. Every single issue my children had in their early days followed on from medical intervention. Today I use natural products as far as I can. I simply cannot risk another disaster on my hands. I used homeopathy, reiki, sekhem and finally herbalism and I got each and every of their problems under control. Most importantly here I used practitioners of excellent quality. I did not self prescribe. I took the best advice I could find and I stuck with it.
How I started my journey towards a reiki master certificate
Alexander developed mono, or glandular fever as we call it in the UK, at six and a half years old Chronic exhaustion set in big time and he was off school for a month. We tried homeopathy and it did indeed strengthen his immunity, but it was only reiki that cured. Up till then he had been waning and waxing. His ME was by now setting in. I take it you understand that chronic fatigue syndrome is a biproduct of glandular fever. It sets in with vengeance once the intitial fever subsides. All in all I would say Alexander was unfit for travel or play or anything other than resting.
I came across a Reiki support group one day on visiting a Chinese herbalist. Goodness knows why I was there, but it was a lucky moment for me. I saw a group of people gathered together in a side room and asked who they were. Healers was the answer. I was surprised to see them there, but ignored the call. I could have gone in and asked about chronic fatigue but did not. However, when I got home I thought it through. It’s my only chance, I thought. I launched in and got the phone number of a reiki practitioner. Well, that was it. Alexander recovered in one session. He was better. Never has the chronic fatigue returned, and certainly never has he ever had glandular fever again. Mono is a recurring illness. Rather like malaria it can flare up when immunity is low. So that was good. Alex’s immunity is strong today, and part of the reason for that is removing the glandular fever from his body. That is a reiki moment of success.
Synchronicity is a word bandied around the healing field, and it means simply this. Everything falls into place at the right moment in time. And it certainly did for me. I became a Reiki healer and have practiced this method of energy healing ever since. But also I have crafted onto this initial healing technique other healing methods, such as homeopathy and Sekhem, an Egyptian form of energy healing. For now it was enough though. I enjoyed practising my new found Reiki technique on the world. As I understand life now, if you are meant to do something, all the doors will fly open for you. It will be there staring you straight in the face. For me, Reiki was the way in to a world of all sorts of healing possibilities, and Alexander was there to introduce me to it.
My introduction to homeopathy
Homeopathy has been the mainstay of my existence ever since the birth of my second child, James. It was this birth which catapulted me full time into using homeopathic medicines. To be truthful, it was more Alexander’s reaction to his new little brother than the actual birth. That was the catalyst which inspired me along my healing journey.
Alexander went down with diarrhoea and sickness two weeks after James’ birth. There was no let up. It went on and on. We tried the GP to no avail. She sent a few samples off, and the next thing we knew we had the public health team at our door. They wanted to know every last detail of where we had been, for they had observed how unusual our little child’s bug was. Well, maybe it was. I didn’t know or care. I just knew he had diarrhoea and it wouldn’t go away. In reality we had been no further than the local park. Anyone could have picked up the same bug, and yet the health team insisted that Alexander was seriously ill. His bug was different.
It was six weeks since James’ birth, and Alexander was in a bad state.. I needed help but I didn’t know where to go. One day I spotted a neighbour wearing a teeshirt inscribed with the logo ‘Homeopathy’. In a moment of despair I found her number in the telephone book and rang her up. She suggested pulsatilla, a well known homeopathic cure for deep insecurity at the birth of a younger sibling, and the rest is history. We literally saw no more diarrhoea from the moment I gave him the pill. Gone. Vanquished via the emotional state. Our wonderful homeopath, and she did become our number one go to practitioner from then on, had worked out our little boy in a matter of seconds. New baby, fearful toddler equals pulsatilla.
I go for it and start homeopathy training
My sick kids eventually threw me wholesale into studying homeopathy. I couldn’t resist the fascination of what I beheld. How could such little pills affect my children’s health so profoundly? I wanted to make magic happen too. It was irresistible. Fundamentally, I was concerned about my GP’s negligent attitude, for by now I understood how far the emotional state connects to a physical disorder. GPs can do a lot of damage with pills, as I had yet to discover. What I did understand was that I wished to protect my kids from unnecessary investigation by a conventional practitioner. If I could work out their emotional state in advance of going to a doctor for a prescription, I had a very good chance of solving the condition they were exhibiting. That came later on. For now though I was fully bent on a homeopathic perspective of healing, and that meant taking them all to holistic practitioners as often as possible.
I have spent many years practicing Reiki healing, and more recently Sekhem. I became a Reiki Master in 2000, a Seichim Master in 2012 and a Sekhem healing master in 2018. I have also studied at the North West College of Homeopathy in Manchester, receiving a diploma and licence to practise Classical Homeopathy in 2003,
My true purpose
I started out as an archivist. That is a researcher and cataloguer of old if not ancient documents. For that skillset I needed to be purposeful, self motivated, for there is nobody to help you, and also have an eye for detail. That is me today. An aware person who delves into past history and also the emotional state of my book characters.
My workload now embraces much, if not all, of my previous studies and career plans. For who could trace a past life family better than an experienced genealogist and record researcher, another aspect to my archive career. I have all those skills, and they come together with an understanding of many languages ancient and modern. Now I know that may sound profoundly unuseful to you. But when I am healing and feel into past lives on your behalf sometimes I am given ancient linguistics to translate. And I can do that, for I understand Latin, maybe some Greek and certainly Medieval English. I studied that at university, along with Anglo Saxon. That is not me showing off, although it could be, it is merely pointing out that I hear wording from other eras. That is part of my skill today. I hear a language and intuit its meaning. If I hear Vespasian then I will look up the date when that Roman Emperor reigned, or if I hear ‘agora’ I know that it is to do with Ancient Greece. Maybe there is a meeting taking place, for agora symbolises that aspect at soul, especially when there is an ancient greek lifetime to consider. Alexander could refer to my son, but it also could refer to his alter ego Alexander from another era in time. Names repeat. You have to be careful when you document information, otherwise names get muddled into a mishmash of dates, locations and subject matter not suited to the current day.
I would say I am all of my sum parts now. I use every little detail of my life challenges to create books of interest, fun and love. It is also true that I can, and will, do the same for you if you were to commission me to do some work on your very own past life adventures.