Channelling & Mentorship
Amho, my guide
Channelling is an art form which cannot be controlled by me or by any other person with a similar gift and intent. My guide, Amho, impresses a wording which comes through the audio channels. What this means in real life is that I hear a word or a sentence of speech quite clearly, and then need to relay it to you.. The conversation can be quite chatty at times, but the message is always the same. You need to change in some way. Or it may be a message from a loved one. He can contact other spirits and relay messages from them. Occasionally, a spirit will come through of his or her own accord, Like Princess Diana in my blog here on the website, they can come through if they have the power and will to speak out. I hear another voice in that case. Take Diana. That voice is unforgettable. Diana’s voice, when she came through to me, was her. It was unmistakable. What I am saying is that I will know when another voice comes through, and we can work out who it is between us. Not all spirits will give their names. That is the point here.
How to ask a question of Amho
A carefully worded question is what I need. My spirit guide, Amho, responds to questions well, but he needs guidance. He needs to know, for example, the breadth and depth of the question, so that he can answer it fully. This may sound silly to you, but channellers (as they are known up there) are perfunctory in their detail. They will answer exactly what is requested of them. Anal retentive, you might say. Be that as it may, that is how they work. So be clear and concise, and know what you want to get out of Amho. And so it will be.
I cannot guarantee the length of Amho’s text. That is up to him. However, I do know that whatever is recorded will be accurate and meaningful.
Working as a channeller
Channelling is a clairaudient gift, so you could say that I am relaying direct information from one place to another - in this case the Source of All Being (or Heaven, Spirit whatever you call it) to Earth. It is a complex procedure and has taken many years practice and study to achieve at this high level of ability.
Below is an example of channelling text, Although this is written up as a mini article, any channelling requested privately of me will be word to word how my spirit guide tells me to tell you. So look at the wording of my spirit guide within this text, and you will see how the information may come through for you although I cannot guarantee its content.
Channelled information can be sent via email or by post or indeed in person if you are local to Oakham where I live. Please contact me for further details.
Photo royalty free from Pixabay
Angelic Interventions in Earthly Matters
As a child I had always assumed that angels were purely a Biblical phenomenon. Their visitations were marvellous. Swathed in brilliant white light they visited holy people with messages of immense significance to mankind. Any factual authenticity was long gone, lost in the mists of time, and as I grew older I had to conclude that angels were little more than myths, their purpose in the Bible perhaps to enhance a good storyline with a broadness of depth otherwise unavailable to the text’s message of peace and goodwill.
But since then I have discovered that many well documented angelic visitations have taken place in modern times, and the recipients are, more often than not, ordinary people. My own personal experience of angels ocurred during a family holiday in Egypt a few years ago. We were staying in Luxor (Ancient Thebes) and one of our mornings had been taken up with a visit to the spectacular ruins of Luxor Temple. This grand complex dated back to 1400 BCE and it is tempting to wonder whether my subsequent angelic encounter in any way related to that visit. Late afternoon the same day I suddenly went down with the most awful stomach cramps and started to feel extremely unwell. Lying on my bed I was miserable.
All of a sudden, a presence made itself felt from behind. I felt the softest wings around my shoulders, and a great sense of peace trickled over my very being. My angel’s wings were strong and powerful, and yet gentle at the same time. They enveloped my whole being and I felt cocooned in a lightness of spirit and peace. There was no conscious message that I heard, and yet I knew that this angelic visit had been for a purpose.
This extraordinary moment in my life is one that I have never forgotten. But it left me with many unanswered questions. Why an angel then? What made that moment so special that an angel chose to visit me? I have had plenty of illnesses but not once has an angel ever appeared before or since. It got me thinking. What are angels, and why do they choose to manifest when they do? Indeed, what are the conditions which make it conducive for an angel to manifest?
Angel is a word derived from the Greek ‘angelos’. Translated the word means messenger. So, the Ancient Greeks at any rate considered these ethereal visitors to be messengers. That was their purpose. Biblical angels appear in moments of great upheaval and dilemma, and perhaps the same can be said today. They appear at moments of great need. I decided to ask my spirit guide, Amho, for a clearer understanding about the true nature of angels and their purpose here on Earth. This is what Amho has to say:
“Angels are Beings of Light. The word ‘beings’ means that they have a special purpose on Earth even though you can’t see or hear or feel them. That purpose is to reveal higher truths to mankind. Angels are of a higher vibration than humans mostly, and so they are not able to communicate as easily as it may appear in art form. They are not heralds. They are not directors of youthful or innocent needs. As you will perceive in your experience at Luxor, Mary, they weigh in heavily on circumstances that you don’t understand but nevertheless are necessary. They are protectors of mankind, and they come to direct circumstances that have gone astray. And you had gone astray at that moment with your thoughts. You thought you were abandoned by God in your need to be sick and sorry out of an illness that was estranged from your heavenly purpose. You needed to be set free from that assumption that we were, here in Heaven as you would say, at variance with your cause.
Angels appear to mankind when they are necessary to be there. And that is it. They come to tell you what you need to hear and then they go. They are not messengers of Spirit, by the way. They are alloyed (a word we use instead of glue) to your cause, which is that you need them to gainsay your right to heavenly justice when you incarnate. They are with you from the start of your journey through existence on the Earth plane, but you are not aware of their presence except, Mary, when they need to intervene in a situation such as we have just described. They see you going the wrong way and diverting from your path, and if they can they will put you right. The right journey is the one which you incarnated with before you started your life on Earth.
Angels appear to those who have a genuine heavenly purpose which is important enough that they must not be allowed to go ‘off script’ as we say it up here. Your script is your heavenly purpose written before you were born (or incarnated as we call it). You were about to do so with your ums and ahs about life’s inconsistencies. We couldn’t allow you to do that. An angel occurred in your life to allow you to see the presence of Spirit in a way that had not occurred to you before. It allowed you to see us in the physical which was a manifestation so different from before that you had to accept it.
What occurred was extraordinary for your mindset at the time. It had to be that way. We were worried that you would go astray for good and that could not be endured by us. Endurance is a word we use when we mean that your task on Heavenly things (speech in your case) is so important that it cannot be endured that you mess up We let you see the munificence of Spirit rather than the glory and gory of other civilisations that you were into at that time.
Ra was a god you rather liked. Ra, as you say, was the god associated with Luxor Temple, and that connection meant that you were at risk in a way that you weren’t before. Your connection to Spirit meant that you upheld the gory vision he portrayed at that place. That was not enough for us to abuse you, by the way. Your stomach disorder was indeed unholy water, but it did grant us the opportunity to do this transition in your soul which was efficiency at the very least.
Ra was not to us a gory civiliser but he had to do a lot of calming of his retro style when he got up here and saw what a mess he’d made of it all. So you see, earthlings (as we like to call you) all gods are not good. They can be very bad indeed, and in the Bible, as you say dear Mary, it was not love and light in the Old Testament. Jehovah was to us a burden. He was an evil soul and he was proud. He was a god we would not recommend to any again. He caused much discontent in the world where he reigned. So here we have a dispute over gods. Who reigns the best over the world, or the Earth as you tend to call it now? Well, that’s a hard one for us up here. We have no gods, haha! There are no gods. There are only energies, and some are bad, and some are good. Jehovah’s was bad. That is all there is to say on it, for energy is neutral, not man not woman. Ra was bad. Jesus was good – but then he wasn’t a god was he? Or was he? He was an energy, and that is what you call gods down there. You Earthlings are confusing creatures to us. You set up gods, and then you dispute with them. But really you are disputing with energies that are neither male nor female.
Anyway, to get back to angels. Yes, they are good energies, and as such good gods or goddesses depending upon how you see them. They come down to interfere in the Earth’s workings when things are going awry. And we see that you Earthlings are in trouble again, so there will be a few angels flying around helping out, haha. Don’t get worried though, they will heal, and they will fender. That means that they will feel their way into people’s hearts and fuel them with love and tender feelings.
We are on a mission, you know, to heal the world now that it is September. That is a time to us that symbolises life’s mission reconstructed as it were. Just as schools break up in the summertime and go back in the autumn, so do we have a break at it for a while and then tender ourselves ready for deconstruction and reconstruction. This pandemic [covid-19] is however a break for the while. It must be, and you shall choose to write on this another time Mary Wright Rose for now we must go and have our deal of the show as we say up here. Time to go and get on with the dealings of mankind’s miserly attitude towards its cup bearer.’
My spirit guide’s voice faded out at this point. It was evidently as much as he wanted to say today. Now I can understand a little clearer my angel’s purpose. It was about redirecting my thoughts before I went astray from my life’s mission. Well, it certainly did that! A wake-up call, you could say, to seeing the world in a new and exciting way. But this in itself brings up a dilemma for all of us. How many of us do go astray on our life’s purpose? How can we possibly know when we are about to go ‘off script’? We can’t – without intervention because we are all caught up in our own egos and material influences.
At that time when we were in Luxor, I was getting mighty interested in the Ancient Egyptian culture, and evidently in some way unknown to myself this was a problem at soul level. I was in danger of taking the wrong turning as it were. It hadn’t happened yet it needed sorting before that occurred. Another way of putting this is the analogy of a musical score sheet. I was about to get onto the wrong vibrational level for my soul purpose on Earth. My score sheet needed restoring to the correct depth of sound delivery so that I could sing heartily, and not be undermined by negative influences such as Ra.
Luxor Temple is dedicated to the sun god Ra, so an intervention at this time and place makes good sense, albeit in a way which is difficult to comprehend without digging up further details from my soul script.