photo by: spacedust2019 (Flickr.com) [CC BY 2.0]
My dream analysis heals you
I can interpret dreams for you. Somewhere hidden in your visionary imagery is the answer to your modern day riddle. Dreams take time to interpret. They are not easy, and they certainly do not relate to modern day ideas on internet sites. They are far too sophisticated for that. A dream needs a personal touch, and that is what I can give you. I have the time and the space to consider your dream correctly. So where does Sekhem come into this you say. Well, it is this. Sekhem heals the soul, and you are already on this site for another reason. I don’t advertise dream analysis do I? So, if you have come this far, then your soul is telling you something. Get Mary to interpret that dream you had the other day. It will be helpful in some shape or form. And necessary to your welfare as well. That is healing in its own right.
If you believe in past lives, then I would say we have met before. For I have been an interpreter of truth many times through history. And if I may say this, I was rather good at it. Once. Twice. Thrice. I don’t know. Quite a few times anyway. Dream visions and mediums go together, shall we say.
Your soul wants you to get real. Today, we are in a real crisis. Covid or not, a message matters. And that is what a dream is. Your message to you. And I suggest that your soul is in a hurry to message you right now. Souls like to help in moments of crisis. So if you are on this site, and you are interested enough to read this, then send me an email today, and we can get this analysis underway. Who knows what you may hear. But I can suggest this. It will be for your good.
You and your dream
Human consciousness is now at such a level that the soul is interfering in dream visions. Not in a bad way you understand. No. It is for our human good. We are all becoming more aware of our dreams. It may be that your dreams have changed recently, or simply that you are actually remembering them. They can be quite fleeting, after all. I don’t know. What I will say is that dreams are more immediate today than ever before. Powerful imagery comes with purpose.
Take time over your description
“Trust in dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.”
Write out as much of your dream as possible. The more information you give, the clearer it is for me to understand. Each symbol is a message to you in some shape or form. Be authentic in your approach to your dream vision. It is not for me to tell you what was in your dream. I act as the interpreter. That is all.
So let’s go through a few scenarios. Ask a few questions to yourself, and then write down the answers. Was it a letter you saw on the floor? Who’s writing was on it? Did you recognise the postmark? It’s surprising what you can remember when you get into the first authentic thought. It all comes rushing back.
I tell you what I hear
Of course I use dream symbols, such as open doors to suggest new pathways to truth and so on. But it all comes through mediumship and not ideas based on books. So my interpretation of your dream will be completely unique. It doesn’t rely on dry and dusty old volumes like Freudian analysis and stuff like that. They are for situation comedies as far as I am concerned. Alan Ayckbourn maybe. A reference to Freud’s sexual allusions here, and CERTAINLY NOT Alan’s personal life. No, Alan’s comedies are full on dreamscapes about life, lust and the neighbourhood. My gift of clairaudience comes in useful with this kind of work, for I can transfer to you exactly what I hear from my spirit guides, but always in connection with the dream
You must be clear and concise about the facts
Anything you remember about your dream is helpful, but don’t worry if you can’t remember much. My mediumship skills can always make up for lost material to a certain degree. Tell it as you felt it. So, was it strange or eery? Was it peaceful and pleasant or did it frighten you in some way? Dreams are illusory. They come from the soul, and they tell you how to get back on track when necessary. Nightmares are when the soul intervenes most. Not every dream has an interpretation which is soul felt. But I would say that nightmares are likely to have content where you may reveal to yourself your soul wish. Now that is confusing, and I will go into this later in one of my books. Enough said about that. By and large, YOUR wellbeing is always at the heart of the message.