“Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style and of beauty.
All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity”
The following extract is from my upcoming book on Diana, Princess of Wales, channelled through my spirit guide, Thor. Diana is now in Spirit, and she comes through with her own version of events, as it were, later in the text. The rest will be along later next year, all being well in book form if I get a book deal. So any publishers out there, feel free to contact me. But for the moment, enjoy! It is an interesting read.
“Princess Diana is back on the block in the third series of ‘The Crown’ by Netflix. Diana’s personality as portrayed by Emma Corrin is bouncy and lovable, and yet it is also bulimic and difficult. So where does the truth lie? The world has an insatiable appetite for gossip when it comes to Diana. So, what is it about Diana’s charisma that made her so special? Why was she the icon of a generation? Perhaps her imperfections as princess combined with her humanitarian role in society lie at the heart of this riddle.
Diana’s human kindness was selfless, but only in some ways. She had a mean streak when it came to self-criticism, for example. In Spirit we too see Diana as flawed. She was a flawed soul whose heartfelt wish was being denied. This may sound confusing because in many ways she did what she needed to do, and she did it with love. But she did not do it with joy. She never felt truly loved, she said, and this was indeed so. She always felt that something was missing from her life, and what that was, it has to be said, was spirituality.
Diana lacked love at soul level. She never felt the full force of love coming through Divinity. We use this word carefully, and not with the full intent of suggesting this is a Christian piece of writing, for it is not. Diana’s soul was fundamentally of the Christian faith, and so that is why this word is used here.
Let’s be clear, Diana had plenty of love, or joy to be more precise, at soul level. It simply couldn’t get through to the heart because it was blocked by imperfections which we will go into later. Suffice to say that the heart is where we feel or experience self-love, and without that there is no way Diana, or any other person for that matter, can tune in to their heartfelt purpose in life. She came unstuck, or unalloyed as we call it, from her soul mission for she could see no self-worth in herself or anything she did.
Self-worth remained an enigma for Diana. She couldn’t understand why others didn’t love her when all she needed was love, she would say. That was not true. She was loved. But her inability to express self-love through her closed heart chakra meant that she couldn’t feel her own beauty. Diana’s denial of self-love was the real reason why she always felt an outcast. This is why she liked to think she was fighting for the underdog in society. In reality she was fighting for her own soul truth lost at Source, and it is that which made her feel so insecure.
Diana was courageous, it must be said, but she was also fighting for her own self-worth which she had lacked since birth. A sticky combination for us to deal with up here, we would say. Diana was never an easy burden on her spirit guides.”