Welsh Hills Jayt74
Inherited gifts
Some personality traits run in the family, so they say. And I would agree, but I also think that psychic traits are inherited as well, but they skip a generation. Grandmother to granddaughter. Like me, in fact. I am a psychic who was born with abilities, lost them during childhood and then regained them through my reiki training and meditation.
That is me in a nutshell. As for my grandmother Earlam, the psychic grandma, she followed a different path. Every psychic has their own journey through life. It can be a wilderness sometimes, but it is always for the good of humanity.
The problem with psychics like me and my grandmother is that we tend to be shy about our gifts. A lot of psychics are. It is because we, all of us that is, fear persecution. It happens because we are not understood for who we are. Good people helping out. Fear takes over when you don’t understand something, and that is how persecution arises. I would say I understand the supernatural better than most psychics today, and that is because I have been researching my own family tree, psychic or otherwise, for years. I have also compiled a long list of past lives which involved not only me but also my extended family. I now understand how my grandmother Earlam fits into this rich tapestry of past lives, and why she, like me, kept quiet about gifts during her Earth existences.
Past lives and you
Everyone has a character, but not everyone understands what that truly means, or how indeed they got it. I would say, from my research into past lives and the unique character elements that came from each and every past life, that we are a unique blend of our past personas. More importantly, we are inherently good but we lack the wisdom on occasion to be able to understand that goodness. We incarnate in fear, and that is how I arrived one day hot from the coal fires of eternity. I had just been through two world wars, and I was fearful for my life. I arrived exhausted, and that is how I became a blue baby in the breech position. Some babies simply do not wish to be around, and I was one. I survived however, and that was a lot to do with Nurse Marquick, the lady who sorted out my breech position, got my mum to push hard and oomph, out I came. Back into a world of karma, past life interactions with Granny Earlam and fundamentally healthy. What can you do, eh. You just have to be here, get on with it, and, well, be a star. That is how I see the world today. We have all been stars at some time or other. Our past lives are littered with famous incarnatory personalities, but sometimes we hide them away, too afraid lest the bogey man comes along and snatches us off. That is what my other Grandmother Rose used to tell me. If you’re bad, well, you get taken off somewhere. Maybe she was remembering her own childhood when life was harsh. I don’t know. She could have been talking about the Asylum or even the poor person’s dwelling or a police cell. Whatever it was, she scared me stiff and I fell into a deep silence. Don’t mean to scare you here, but sometimes an ancestor can be unkind in order to be good. She was telling me to keep my mouth shut, and I did. I was a silent child, and still am really. Most of my thoughts remain my own. That is what I mean. Psychics remain silent a lot of their life, until they reach their latter days when they begin to understand why they have their gifts. It is to enlighten mankind, or perhaps I should use the modern version. They are here to help the world to wake up in its moment of need. Psychics are humanitarians with a mission.
Past lives are not the issue here. I am taking it as read that you, like me, believe that we all reincarnate, so I will skip the detail on how or why incarnation is necessary in the spirit field of existence.
When we die, we take our character at death with us into the spirit fold. We are enfolded in love, that means. We grow and develop ‘over there’ as well as here down on the planet called Earth. The character you die with can be vastly different from the one you were born with in the next incarnation. Look at me. I got blinded in World War One. But I didn’t start that way in that incarnation. I had a sunny nature full of love and joy. I was a country boy at heart. Today I would say I am nearly back to where I was at the beginning of poor Henry’s incarnation, except for one difference. I am vastly more psychic. The struggle he went through during the war with its horrific burns and blindness meant that I have had to deal with all that in his future incarnation, which is me right now. I know that sounds sinister to you, allowing a prior incarnation like Henry rule the roost in my present incarnation, but if I hadn’t had his experience of life then, I wouldn’t be the person I am now. And that means to you and to me that I am writing this fascinating tale about past lives. You could say that poor blind Henry has been my teacher, and that is true in a way. He taught me to be who I am now, and enjoy the moment rather than put things off to a distant future, which for poor Henry, never materialised. That is true and it is real. I am now doing what I should, or could at least, have achieved many years prior to this incarnation. In other words, my literary abilities were halted in a past life, and it is only through Henry’s chilling experiences that I have managed to become the teacher I was meant to be aeons before this life.
If you hold a great amount of fear or heartache at the moment you die, then you may be reborn with those traits. Sometimes that is so, and sometimes it is not. It depends on your situation, and what it is you are trying to achieve in that future incarnation.
Locations are choices connected to past life patterning
When we incarnate, some of us, like me, choose to return to a past life location. This is because the karma created in that location is not over. It needs resolving, and that can best be achieved by living nearby once more. We all go back to our past life homes in order to rectify or at least visit old feelings, in order to resolve them. It is called healing.
When I was born on that hill I know as Bradnor, I had a good view of the Black Mountains. They were pointed out to me countless times. Although they were twenty miles away, I could see them perfectly. On some psychic level I chose that location. The one where I could spy my old stamping ground called Arthur’s Stone. That is one of the many ancient remains near to the Black Mountain Range. Arthur’s Stone is a Druid Circus. We used to go and visit it. I didn’t understand its importance back then, but I do remember its name. Today I know how influential the Stone was to my psychic development. It mattered that I revisit it. You will be the same. Places you revisit as a child reactivate the chakra points. You regain your wisdom from earlier lifetimes when you visit a standing stone where once you lost the capacity to heal. Stones which are very ancient healing sites retain their properties.
Breathing in the old vernacular
The energy of the Black Range, as it was called in my prior incarnation when I was located in that setting, remains roughly the same as today. That is why it was useful for me and my dad to visit the stone circle. I, and probably he, benefited hugely from being next to the old stones where magic still held sway. What I mean here is that Druidic energy is vast and powerful. Where healing practices have taken place over a thousand years of so, there will always remain a healing energy. Positive vibrations come off the soil. That is still the case with many Druid sites, unless the land has been disturbed.
Healing karma takes time. Many lifetimes I would add here. I have relocated to Wales and the welsh borderlands of Herefordshire and Merionothshire many times. I don’t believe for one minute that most people understand their own karma as well as I do. For I have written all my meditations down on paper in detail. I remember what I see and hear, and then compile notes of each incarnation that I recognise. It has been an effort, but it has been worth it. For now I understand how my life today and my prior incarnations interlink. Most people will not be able to do that. Not even psychics, for they do not have my fascination with both history and detail. It’s been difficult to do, but now I am beginning to see a clearer picture. So let’s begin.
I incarnated this time round on a hill called Bradnor, not far from a little village called Kington. A tiny hamlet stuck out in a wilderness called the Welsh Marshlands. Not a great beginning for a psychic biography you might wonder. Well, you’re wrong. It is a perfect example of what not to choose when you are ill and out of sorts. For it was a lonely place indeed. But it did grant me learning skills in how to amuse myself when I am alone. And that is something I find useful today. Writing is a lonely pursuit, and I need to focus on my work.
Location choices come with decisions connected to others. My grandmother Ethel lived far away in Manchester, but she came to stay occasionally. She and I shared some karma, which I will mention in a moment. You see how it works. We all live together at one time, perhaps the 17th century, and then we separate off and come together in later life times. Like the late 20th century. We met up occasionally, as I just said. My gran and I had a special relationship, but I didn’t understand that then. Our karma is a huge melting pot of decision making connected to karmic happenings throughout many lifetimes, but for now she is my gran and also my spirit guide. Or at least one of them. Everyone has many guides along their journey towards Eternity.
Ethel heals me through being my spirit guide now that she has passed over. She didn’t want to do it, but she must. And you know what. I love her today more than ever, for she has allowed me to say it. She was a witch in that prior incarnation. Now I nearly said incantation there. And that is for a reason. Ethel was impressing upon me another aspect of her karma. She came to heal me and she never did. It all went wrong. She played cards and that was it. But we didn’t war together, unlike a prior incarnation or two.
Morganna Queen of the Marshlands, was my gran in a prior incarnation. She lived in the black hills, now called the Black Mountains, and as a child I could see them from my home. They were dark and lowering, and I sensed their atmosphere. But when Ethel came to visit us on Bradnor, all that was forgotten. She might have watched the odd wresting match or two but she certainly didn’t fight David, my brother, even though he was her enemy in that lifetime. All was peaceful in the Rose household.
Warfare and me
Now this is getting strange, and maybe I need to explain something here. I am using my gran Ethel’s real past life name and incorporating it into my story. Past lives and present incarnations are impossible to divide when it comes to a psychic understanding of my life on Earth, let alone my childhood on Bradnor. Morganna was a queen of the hill tops. She was a wild soul with a magician’s hat on. She understood the woodland energies and she purposefully made them benevolent for her, but also malevolent for me. She dabbled in the Dark Arts. That is all.
Karma and you
I’ll take a break here and describe my own karma. After all, I don’t want my gran here taking all the credit for my location choice when it comes to incarnations. I choose the location where I incarnate. And so do you. In the spirit realms, as I will call the Afterlife, you choose your next visit abroad. You choose where you go and why. It is your decision how to use your visit to Planet Earth, and it is up to you when that choice materialises. I chose the 1960s to be stuck on a hill miles from anywhere. I did have beautiful views though, as you can see from the photo here. I had a wonderful view of the Black Mountains in the distance.
That is as close as I wanted to get to Morganna. For she was a witch and she lived there. In the distance I mean. On the Welsh hilltops. And you know what. She used that word Hill Top when she incarnated today. Her address was Hill Top Avenue. So you see how location is important when it comes to karma. And also how names matter. The sound is important, but also the meaning. It reflects a different era in your past incarnational history. Morganna’s life is for another time, but I will say this. She was not the famous Morganna. The one connected to the Arthurian Legend. She was a witch though, and she lived in prehistory.
A child and her dreams
Never give up on fairyland. It is an earth energy which is bright and cheerful. My fairies kept me happy for many a year. I used to talk to them every day, especially if I felt lonely or neglected. I was always out and about playing on the hillside just as the photo looks here. It was wild, it was rugged, and most of all it was exciting, for my land created a fantasy within my mind and that is how I coped with solitude. For living on a hill above a small township is a lonely place to be.
A lonely spot in time
Like I said, I was stuck on a hill miles from anywhere. No transport links worth talking about and certainly no special friendships at school either. It was lonely.
So when Gerry Anderson came along with a comic book or two in the mid 60s, there was no stopping my imagination. Suddenly there was an adventure space in my head. I shot off to other planets with Venus and Steve in Fireball XL5, explored extra terrestrial landscapes with Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, and dived into the oceans aboard Stingray. It was fabulous. Like my gran, I used my imagination to get away from a dull existence. But hers was a very different world from mine.
Ghost lands
To be honest with you, the more I think about my old home the more I see it for what it was. A spooky old place, and it carried a nasty vibe too. It felt like I would be attacked if I went downstairs at night. Now, I know that sounds like a silly little girl scared of the dark. And that is how I saw it then. Get brave, young girl,I would tell myself. Pull yourself together. It’s only your imagination.
My old stomping ground
But I never did manage to get rid of that feeling. You see, it never occurred to me that it may be a haunted house. Why would you, after all? I mean, I was born there. In the house I mean. Not at a hospital like most people today. I was used to the vibration on Bradnor. It never occurred to me that another house, or location indeed, would be more pleasant. Until I got to Exeter University 18 years later. For now, I just had to get on with it.
There are reasons for being born in certain places. They are called karma, and my one psychic intention at that time was to heal my situation. Obviously I wasn’t aware of that consciously. I’m filling you in on the background here. For most people, it is not a problem. You are born somewhere. You have a nice time or you don’t, but one way or another you don’t think about your situation other than it was as it was. For healers, though, there can be a resolve at soul level to redeem a location of its karma. And that is what I did.
Karma and me
The rest of my family were perfectly happy with their location. It was just me that found the old house spooky, and the garden weirdly eerie. Everyone else just admired the flowers and got on with life. So in one sense it was an idyllic childhood full of flowers and trees, sheep and grasslands. On the other, it was full of hidden eerie spooks that no one could see, including me. I just felt them about me.
New body, new day
Sometimes we come back for a reason. And mine was to do with karma and repatriation issues. You see, I had been Welsh in many lifetimes prior to this incarnation. This time I was on the other side of the fence. Well, just made it. I was English, born a mile from the modern day border.
Your location at birth is fundamental to your star sign. Astrology works. It lands you where you are needed in the world. And my karma meant that I landed here on Bradnor Hill . The same Bradnor that I had conquered as a great warrior several lifetimes earlier. So that is why I incarnated where I did. I had to give back time to that same land venture. That may sound pretentious to you, but I was a healer then and I am a healer today. But I wasn’t as a child, and I certainly did not understand the karmic consequences of my errors in that prior timespan. All I knew was that I was sitting on a hill miles from anywhere and I had no friends.
Intergalactic beings
When my gran came to stay we played cards. Not the tarot type I might add. Just the ordinary Bezique ones. And it was fun. What I did not understand then was that my grandmother Ethel was very psychic indeed. She comes through to me today, and she is my spirit guide as well. We came from a galaxy far from here, she tells me. Well, I might have been a Star Trek child of the 1960s, but I would never have believed that then. I still find it hard to understand how intergalactic beings comes into this story, but they do. She tells it straight does old Ethel. You see, spiritual beings are truthful when they come through. They don’t lie. And that is what I just heard, so I threw it into the text here. W both had a mission to heal the land on Planet Earth.
My fairyland venture needs explaining here, before I go completely off into a side road. You see how difficult it is to explain my life, for there are so many psychic angles to be explored that I get lost in the detail sometimes. Enough of intergalactic explorations for the moment. My gran was very psychic for sure, but I didn’t understand that then. Nor did I I understand why I was very shy. I just was.
No one explained to me, least of all my gran, that shyness is about sensitivity. And sensitivity is often connected to spiritual worth, or self-confidence as it is called down here. That’s as it may be, but at that time in my life I was enchanted by fantasy.
My landscape
I couldn’t relate to the real world, so I dived into the seas and became Marina, Princess of the Seas, floating around in her beautiful sea green finery. Gerry Anderson was my absolute favourite. He created so many characters that I could relate to. They were my heroes and heroines of sky and sea. As you might notice, there was one thing missing. It is called land. I was no way interested in earthbound matters unless it be my very own fairy scape.
I loved the bluebell woods on the hill, and also my very own fairy dell. The root of an ancient woodland tree, growing in the garden. I named it my fairy castle. I sat before my fairy friends and chattered for hours. I knew they were listening. They glowed. My fairyland was full of colour. I have always loved colour. None of the dull black and white scenery for me. I knew every single fairy by their colour. Well, I didn’t. I had my favourites, and they were blue and gold. The gold fairy was the best.
All my fairies were colourful threads from days of yore. Past life histories I would call those today, and I would suggest my gold fairy was none other than a spirit guide, holding my hand.
My fairies were a calming influence on me, and their presence was heartfelt. I felt their warmth and presence in my life. But I was about to get real. Somebody told me about death, and that broke the spell. I knew it couldn’t be true, but I gave in. The Roman Catholic dogma of my other gran, Beatrice, was about to change my life forever.
Fairyland on the edge
By the age of twelve I was well out of all that fairyland stuff. Except, well, I was still painting garden gnomes, and naming them after my favourite characters in The Scarlet Pimpernel, that book about the French Revolution. That’s another incarnation story that won’t fit in here. My son James has an issue with necks in that one. He was guillotined as Robespierre. But for now I will move forward back to my story.
Yes, I had lost my fairy stripes by then. They were in the bin, together with my comic books. Time for Latin and other serious work. I lost a part of myself then. It got hidden under the homework shelves, and I didn’t regain it till now. It is called a sense of humour. My mediumship today has regained much of its zest for life, as I say. It is back in full fervour.