Photo credit: Resakse 'Cat' ( [CC BY-ND 2.0]
“Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes”
Bella the cat had been ailing for some time. She was losing weight rapidly and yet the vet could find nothing wrong. She just wasn't well. Bella's owner was very worried, fearing the very real possibility that her dear cat might die. With no other possibilities coming to mind, and despite a healthy scepticism, she was persuaded to try Seichim!
What followed gave Bella's owner a totally different perspective on her cat's illness. A few absent healing sessions of Seichim started Bella on the road to recovery. The psychic messages received during those sessions helped her owner to understand that it was Bella's emotions that needed healing rather than her physical body. This was a desperately sad cat.
A sad cat
A huge amount of grief was felt during this healing. The heart was very heavy indeed, telling me that Bella's depression must have built up over a long period of time. It felt overwhelming.
As the healing sessions progressed I became aware of the gradual dispersal of great waves of negativity. An intense dark energy, originally created by dark thoughts, was at last beginning to break up and be released from the energy body.
It seemed to me that the cause of Bella's physical decline was grief, so deep and overwhelming that it was causing her to feel that her life was no longer worth living. She was fading away.
Task of spirit guides
My spirit guides are blessed with an overview of the situation unavailable to practitioners here on earth. With this higher perspective they are able to target weakness in Bella's energy body. Releasing negativity from those areas is the first task. Once done, positive energy is brought in as a replacement. The effect on Bella is to lighten her mood with happy outward looking thoughts.
Mind body connection
Many healers frequently perceive the cause of physical illness as negativity in the emotional body. Mind and body interact all the time with a complexity impossible for most of us to grasp. To separate the two for treatment (as so frequently happens in conventional medicine) is plainly absurd.
In this case, Bella’s physical symptoms were perceived to have been caused by deep rooted emotional trauma affecting her attitudes and way of thinking.
Bella's family
Bella was grieving for times past. I was taken back to her early years when she was removed from her playful extended family, never to see them again. This event left a traumatic imprint on her energy body - one which is being healed now. She feared for her family's wellbeing, tortured by thoughts that they might have been rounded up and murdered. Bella was well aware of the fickle nature of mankind. Only too capable of whispering sweet nothings in their pet's ears whilst plotting a cruel end, Bella had an instinctive distrust of humans, and in particular of the professionals.
Vet - a friend or foe?
Unbeknown to her owner each veterinary appointment was causing Bella extreme anxiety. Rather than perceiving it as an act of compassion on the part of her mistress, Bella experienced each visit as a potential death sentence. As far as she was concerned the veterinary building was Death Row. Her sorry state was plunged deeper into ill health and exhaustion as each visit went by. She knew very well the meaning of 'put down' and 'put to sleep', and was scared that her days could easily end that way.
I was aware of Bella pining for a rural garden and freedom to roam to her heart's content. She would have loved to be back with her family again, but most of all she craved feline companionship. This was in stark contrast to her current situation where she had been confined indoors for some time without animal company. No wonder she was lonely. This was solitary confinement.
Ingrained dark attitudes
According to her mistress Bella's kitten hood was perfectly normal, playing out in suburban bliss. It was all very confusing. No dramas there! Nevertheless the origins of her agony and distress had to be found somewhere. Reincarnation and past lives - could this be at the root of Bella's extreme fears and subsequent depression?
At moments during each healing images had flashed up from other periods in history. I understood these to indicate that past lives were indeed involved, and absolutely necessary to heal before wellness could be restored.
Russian Revolution of 1917
Bella was shown to me as a much loved and pampered cat belonging to an aristocratic family in Russia. This idyllic life was devastated by the bloody events of 1917, The family were executed, her companion cats murdered. Bella escaped the carnage but was left so badly traumatised that the soul's blueprint was affected. A deep wound of grief for her lost family embedded itself within the energy body, In addition, it left her with a deep distrust of humans and a terror of their capability for murder and violence.
Church Persecution
The second image was more difficult to date, but left me in no doubt that murder was involved once more. I saw Bella as the adored cat of an old woman caught up in the persecution and torture of witches. Once again Bella witnessed the violence and cruelty of mankind, and the harm inflicted by fanatical and ignorant men in the name of God.
In many ways these two past lives are similar. The themes of violence, persecution and cruelty run through both, and are a stark reminder of man's capabilities. No wonder Bella feared the motives of both her owner and the vet. A deep distrust of humans is perfectly understandable given these experiences.
Towards the end of the healing I heard the words “It’s going to work”, Encouragement from my guides!. Despite deep wounds of grief and distrust imprinted on the energy body, the case is not hopeless. I was being told that Bella would recover, A happy ending to some very traumatic times throughout many lives.