Photo credit: Pacheco "Warta Warka"
“Your worst enemy cannot harm you
as much as your own thoughts”
What is karma?
Karma is the law of cause and effect. That is to say, our actions in one lifetime will affect our experiences in another. But there is no truth in the idea of ‘good karma’ and ‘bad karma’. No judgement is made about our behaviour. If anything we judge ourselves. Karma is an eternal cycle of rebalancing for our highest good, as we develop and grow spiritually.
Karma and the Soul
The soul is the collective consciousness of all our past lives. It is immortal and our direct connection to All That Is (God). A soul’s wisdom, and the speed at which it evolves, is directly related to our spiritual progress here on earth.
During the interlife (spiritual realms) we choose our next lessons. Testing times are planned for the next incarnations, working as catalysts for spiritual growth. If those experiences are handled positively we benefit enormously at soul level, gaining wisdom and maturity.
Sometimes it is the case that man’s freewill interferes with the intended outcome. A combination of weak intuition and over reliance on the logical mind creates a situation where the wrong decision is made. Soul growth is hampered and much negativity stored up by resulting attitudes, feelings and experiences, paving the way for karma to manifest in a future lifetime.
My work as a healer has enabled me to gain a deep understanding of the ways of karma. I am shown direct correlations between past life actions and present day illness.
Physical Disabilities and Weaknesses
Abnormalities, dysfunctions and weaknesses in the physical body all have some connection to past life attitudes stored up in the energy body. Below are some examples of physical conditions as I understand them karmically.
A lazy left eye caused by a series of past lives where there had been a direct refusal to look at life in any other way than materialistically. I was shown a face where the left (spiritual) eye was blinded. Only the right (material) eye was working. This severe imbalance in the energy body created a physically weak left eye at birth.
A recessed lower jaw caused by a determination to remain silent (stumm) over her grief. This was a young lady who lost her lover in the Great War. Resolutely refusing to accept the inevitable - that he was dead, she went into lock down (set her jaw) over the whole situation, stalwartly refusing any help. The result has been a recessed jaw today, of which the left (emotional) side has been more problematic.
Asthma caused by ruthless and despotic behaviour as ruler of a kingdom. The violent suppression of his people in that lifetime created a crushing physical weight of guilt on his chest now. At each asthma attack he is literally feeling the weight of his conscience at how he attacked his people.
Neck ache created by massive issues around trust. This man was the cause of serious accidents to others who trusted in him. His lack of concentration resulted in dire consequences for them. Guilt over his actions left him with a heartfelt ache. In this lifetime he has massive issues around trust and guilt as well as neck problems.