“He who is of a calm and happy nature
will hardly feel the pressure of age”
SEICHIM and the elderly
A transformation in attitudes, energy levels and general well being – that is the power of Seichim on the elderly. This spiritual energy lifts them out of bleak inertia and restores a sense of purpose.
Seichim is an ancient and sacred form of hands on healing. Most people today have heard of Reiki. Seichim is very similar but in my experience a lot more powerful. Just as with Reiki, this is a healing energy but its origins are quite different. It stems from Ancient Egypt rather than from Tibet. Seichim means ‘spiritual power’ in Ancient Egyptian.
This is fundamentally a type of spiritual healing. Positive energy is transferred from practitioner to client via the hand chakras (vortices of whirling energy situated in the centre of each palm). I place my hands on the person’s crown and brow with the intention of sending healing for the highest good and with the best possible outcome. Positive spiritual energy is absorbed into the non physical body (otherwise known as the aura) while negativity is released. This is often sensed during a session as a bright light coming into the field of view and replacing the darkness.
Healing can also be sent directly to problem areas in the body. For example, someone may ask for improved mobility in their arthritic hand or hip, help with palpitations or deteriorating vision. Alternatively, the need may be more emotional. Anxiety and insomnia are particularly common problems. Any issue will respond to healing – emotional or physical.
How much is achieved in any one session depends upon the depth of the problem. Some things will resolve quite quickly, others take much more time. I never try to guess at a timescale. There is so much that we do not understand, and will never know, about the mechanisms of Seichim healing. It will happen when the time is right. Trusting the process, while feeling true gratitude for any health improvements, is much the best way forward.
There are no set limits to the length of a session, but anything from twenty to forty minutes is reasonable for the elderly. I always set aside time afterwards for discussion so that we can exchange notes on the experience. Talking through the details is an invaluable and enjoyable part of the process, and it always surprises me how much both of us gain from this. Healing should never be rushed.
Old people are surprisingly open to discussing the world of spirit. They question so much, and it has always been a pleasure to help them understand something of the spiritual realms. The knowledge that the soul lives on forever comes as a huge comfort and relief.
- They feel loved. Healing is love. It dispels feelings of isolation and loneliness.
- Talking through spiritual matters, and answering questions as best I can, often brings a sense of renewed hope and a positive attitude towards the future.
- Feelings of regret about past events are not uncommon. Old people often look back in their lives, wishing perhaps that a delicate situation had been handled differently. Guilt and responsibility feature strongly in memories of past actions. Seichim sends healing to these situations, resolving them for everyone’s highest good. The end result is a sense of deep peace. Old grievances are replaced by renewed friendships.
- Most people sense the spirit world around them in some way during a healing. This magical and wonderful moment is never forgotten. Horizons widen and possibilities suddenly become endless. This revelation helps reduce fears of death and dying.
- There is greater acceptance of physical limitations, resulting in more patience generally. It is often frustration over their condition that creates a tendency towards cantankerousness.
- Last but not least healing is fun and exciting – it’s different! It brightens people up, taking their mind off the dull predictability of every day life. They feel stimulated,invigorated and infused with a sense of wonder.
- Sometimes I see departed loved ones with my inner eye (clairvoyance). It is always a delight to describe them as best I can. My elderly clients are fascinated, and we spend much time trying to work out who is trying to make contact. They feel encouraged and cared for knowing that beloved family members are overlooking them from Spirit, and secure in the knowledge that one day they will meet again.
- I hear messages with my inner ear (clairaudience). These are always positive, informative and personal to the individual. We spend time discussing what the message might mean. Often sent in the form of a riddle or pun, this can be a teasing and fun experience full of laughter. It helps my client to relax and lighten up, and reminds us all that Spirit has a wonderful and crazy sense of humour!
- One final but important subject is karma. This is the idea that past actions and conduct, both good and bad, will influence destiny throughout future incarnations. The concept of living many lives, and subsequent karmic debt, is commonplace in the East, but it is not familiar within the Western Church. Nevertheless, I am constantly aware of the effects of karma during sessions and I frequently see past lives. Personally I do not doubt this spiritual law for one moment. In fact it makes so much sense of what I see and experience. Healing negativity now can make life a lot easier for the next incarnation. This is perhaps a concept that few elderly people will consider, but it is undoubtedly a bonus for the good of their soul.
See my case studies for personal examples of improved health and wellbeing. In the meantime, listed below are a few common improvements.
- Increased mobility. Limited powers of movement helped to become more flexible.
- Energised. A less exhausted state has to be a good thing.
- Reduced pain.
- More robust generally.
Beryl lived on her own in sheltered housing. At 84 years she had become very frail, struggling to walk more than a few yards at a time. Her energy was low, and she suffered from repeated water infections and chest complaints. Her left leg was particularly painful to walk on.
She had several healings over a period of months. Each time something improved. The chest infection cleared up and her energy improved. She could manage her daily chores more easily, and as a result her self esteem improved. She felt more dignified. On one occasion, while focussing my healing on Beryl’s painful leg, there was a huge release of energy. It felt like a small explosion, and my body jerked with the suddenness of it all. Immediately afterwards Beryl realised that the muscles in her left leg were now much stronger. Also, the pain she felt on rising from her chair and walking had gone.
I often experience these dramatic ‘exits’ from the energy body. It happens when a barrier is broken through. In my imagination it resembles a river dammed up with silt. By blasting through the obstruction the river can flow along its natural path once more. I am convinced that these blockages are crystalized thought forms. They are obstructive beliefs which have become fixed in the energy body. With their removal it becomes possible to think progressively once more. The healthy flow of positive thought energy is restored.
Helen was 89 years when I first met her. She and her husband still lived together in their own home and to all intents and purposes were coping very successfully. They still drove a car, did their own shopping, and successfully negotiated their way around an impressive amount of modern technology in pursuit of entertainment. However, all was not well. Helen was seriously depressed. She couldn’t bear the thought of being parted from her dear husband after a lifetime together. The finality of death had become an obsession and it terrified her.
In total Helen had eight healing sessions, and in that time a lot of positive changes occurred. She became brighter in herself, more alert and less focussed on a doomed future. Many friends and relatives now in Spirit used to pop in regularly. They always brought an encouraging message, and both Helen and her husband enjoyed the process of trying to identify each spirit from my limited description. It was fun and also very therapeutic.
Puzzling over the considerable quantity of visiting spirits I finally realised their purpose. They had come in sufficient numbers to convince Helen absolutely of the existence of an afterlife. Her recognition of departed loved ones forced her to accept that she and her husband will be together forever, and that the soul is immortal. Understanding that death is not the end was a huge factor in lifting Helen’s depression.
Susan was 88 years and recently widowed. By nature positive and fun loving she coped well with the adjustment to living on her own. However, physically her health was deteriorating and she was beginning to struggle. She had angina and was fast losing her sight.
The Seichim healings on Susan were randomly spaced out over several years. Her positivity and self sufficiency meant that she felt no particular need for help and I had to wait for her to be in a more reflective mood. However, on those occasions when she would agree to some healing, her experiences were quite dramatic and crucially always the same. Each time she would feel an icy coldness running along the left shoulder and down the left arm lasting for many hours.
The sensation of coldness and its positioning along the left arm told me that poor circulation of heart energy was the problem here. It was impeded or congested in some way. Susan’s angina was a physical manifestation of this damaged pathway. The urgency and seriousness of the condition was reflected in the dedicated focus shown by Spirit to this one issue time and time again. Every Seichim session was used as an opportunity to continue the work of healing this pathway.
This case is an example of the way Spirit will persevere with a serious problem, for years if necessary. Susan’s blasé attitude to healing in no way lessened the keenness with which Spirit worked to improve her state of health. This is where the placebo effect makes no sense at all. Healing always connects to the Higher Self (the energetic consciousness which links our earthbound incarnation with the soul) rather than to our ego. In other words, Seichim can be rejected and ridiculed by someone’s limited conscious belief system and yet that person will still receive healing. The higher self makes the decision. It is possible for healing to be blocked but the reasons for this will be to do with karma rather than earthly judgement.
At 79 years Freda was remarkably sprightly. Looking fabulous for her age she appeared confident and positive about life. However, beneath the glamorous façade was a very stressed woman. Freda had financial issues and was in the process of downsizing in order to free up some capital. She was also suffering the emotional after effects of a difficult divorce.
By the time I met Freda she was suffering from insomnia and nervous anxiety. Worry about the house sale had left her exhausted. Each new Seichim session brought Freda a greater sense of calm. She was stunned at the effectiveness of the healing, often joking how it seemed to work like a vacuum cleaner. Every worry hovered up leaving a mind in pristine working order! She was sleeping for the first time in months while at the same time feeling calmer and more in control.
Seichim healing supported Freda through a difficult time, giving her the strength to deal with uncertainty. It was also very helpful in keeping her stress to a minimum by the constant removal of negativity during this period. Any lengthy process (such as a house sale) will inevitably create a continual build up of stress. By removing each layer as it happens the person remains calm and grounded.