“Dreams are the guiding words of the Soul”
Hidden Messages
Dreams are ridiculously surreal, We all know that! But don't dismiss them as mere products of an an overactive imagination. Take a moment to consider. There is a great deal of purpose in dreams, and hidden within their imagery are encoded messages of hope and instruction.
I believe these messages originate with the Higher Self, an extension of the worldly self which connects to the Soul. Others believe dreams come from the subconscious mind. Either way they raise us above the mundane to glimpse more profound aspects of the psyche.
A dream's true meaning is to be found within its imagery. Every aspect of the plot, whether it be landscape or activity, relates back to the self in some way. That is why it makes no sense to the rational mind. The message is sent in coded format. Like learning a foreign language it takes time and dedication to build up a working knowledge of dream symbols. But it is worth the effort! The messages never disappoint. They are always rich in spiritual instruction and positive in content.
Journey of Consciousness
Henry contacted me over an interesting dream he had just experienced. He didn’t understand what it meant, and wondered whether I could help. When I looked into the dream I realised that it was an extraordinary journey of consciousness.
Supported by his spirit guide, I-Ella, Henry visited (and healed) the deepest reaches of his soul. He knew that his experience had been very special and was delighted that I could explain the meaning to him. Here is Henry's original description (in bold) together with my interpretation (in italics) of his dream.
Henry's Dream
I was listening to music, relaxing and drifting away, half asleep and half awake. Deep relaxation has drawn you into a state of trance. The dream begins.
I am standing on an empty beach, beautiful and vast. The sky is blue and it is a lovely day. Deep relaxation has enabled you to connect with the Spiritual Realms. This connection enables you to receive both healing and clairvoyant messages of great importance.
You have been given the opportunity to bring suppressed emotions up from the unconscious for healing. It is your choice whether to proceed. You are considering this choice (standing still).
The beach represents the Edge of Consciousness. It is an In Between place. On one side the beach is in contact with the sea (emotions and higher feelings). On the other side it touches the gritty earth (physical world with all its daily grind).
The beauty of the scene tells you how very spiritual this process is. It is full of goodness. Blue skies are a means of showing how you are opening up to higher levels of awareness, while the vast empty beach represents the sheer scale of the process. It has yet to begin which is why the beach is empty. At this point you are still considering what to do.
The sea is calm. You are in a calm frame of mind
I begin to walk towards the sea. You have made the conscious decision to take part (walk) in the process of delving into the emotions (water). This is why you are moving towards the sea
I walk across the surface of this crystal clear water. But you are not prepared to explore your feelings in greater depth yet. Your understanding is still superficial (surface level). If you would only allow yourself to delve beneath the surface so much would become crystal clear.
With each stride the water gets deeper and I feel more uncomfortable. As you allow yourself to progress on this journey of consciousness, you access increasingly deeper areas of the mind, and that feels uncomfortable. You’re not sure whether you can cope with the challenge.
I feel a presence hold my hand. Help is at hand to support and guide you through this difficult aspect of the process. This is your spirit guide making her presence felt so that you feel more secure. She is always with you.
A strange feeling surges through my right arm. This is extra mental strength given to you so that you can achieve what needs to be done. Symbolically the right arm is the fighting arm. It is the arm that gets the job done. The job here is to delve beneath the surface of your feelings, and evidently that has needed extra courage to achieve.
I know I will be OK. Now that extra strength has been ‘injected’ into your energy body you feel safer in the process
The presence is a spirit who has visited me before. Her name is I-Ella. This is your spirit guide who has stepped in to help you through this important process. The name is unusual. It may not be a ‘real’ name but rather the sound closest to the vibration that she identifies with.
I-Ella has a good feel to her. She is hooded. I can’t see her eyes. From your Earthly perspective you’re not ready to see her for who she truly is, so the eyes are covered (sight) and she is hooded (true nature hidden).
All I can see is her nose and her mouth. This process, for which I-Ella is facilitator, is helping you to absorb spiritual insights with greater purity (nose), thereby enabling you to speak out and express your truth (mouth).
I press on further and further until I am standing in very deep water. No land is in sight. You have accessed the deepest reaches of the soul. Your state of consciousness is now far removed from the material world (land)
It is a very peaceful place. Any inner tensions have been replaced by a deep sense of peace and tranquillity
Suddenly I notice a white mirage rising to the surface of the water out of the depths. By allowing your consciousness to move into the deepest reaches of your soul, it has been possible to cleanse [white] areas previously inaccessible
Up comes one giant white pillar, then another and another, until I am surrounded by a mass of them The cleansing of your soul has strengthened [pillar] you in many different ways [number of columns = number of ways]. As a result, you now have the opportunity to break out [surrounded] of familiar patterns of behaviour. Those old patterns are holding you back from expressing who you truly are.
A white pyramid crashes up out of the water into the middle of the circle. The pyramid is made of pearly white stone. Your self and soul are now integrated [pyramid] as one whole. As a result your foundations [stone] are stronger and more stable. When caught up in stressful situations [crashing out of the water] you will be able to draw upon great wisdom [pearl & pyramid] previously inaccessible.
Immediately I assume it is a building from Atlantis You may have a connection with Atlantis. However, there are no obvious indicators here that your vision has to do with that mythical lost continent.
The pyramid is colossal in size, built of many blocks. It has golden spires with gold decorations on the sides. Now that your self and soul are integrated [pyramid] you will better understand that there are many valuable [gold] purposes [spires] to your life here on Earth. Each stage builds upon the last [blocks], helping you to centre your spiritual and material selves even more powerfully [colossal].
A pathway rises up out of the sea, coming right up to my feet You now have the inner capacity, if you so choose, to take further steps [pathway] to understand your life’s personal mission [feet]
I don’t walk across this path. I let fear get the better of me. You chose not to take those steps at the moment. You're not ready to explore further yet.
This is where the dream ended. Henry may well have future dreams that take his consciousness further forward, deeper into the psyche, once his fear is overcome.