“Death is really a change,
a migration of the soul from one place to another”
Death is the ultimate mystery of life, and yet it is a subject rarely discussed in public or openly debated. For most people the thought of dying is very frightening - but many of the fears surrounding death are actually unfounded. This is because humans tend to associate the powerful emotions experienced in the bereavement state with how they will feel at their own death. To a psychoanalyst this is called transference. But they won't feel like that because grieving and dying are very different.
Eternal spiritual beings
It is my belief that we are eternal spiritual beings on a temporary human journey. Each of us is given an allotted time here on Earth during which we are meant to fulfil various tasks. Much of this is to do with learning to love while at the same time working through karmic lessons. In each case there is a natural moment to die, and I do not believe that we have control over that. The moment of death is planned before we incarnate, it is ordained.
While healing I receive messages of great spiritual wisdom. Sometimes these communications are in the form of sentences (clairaudience) and at other times they are pictures rich in symbolic meaning (clairvoyance). They are always helpful, positive and informative. My visions have sometimes shown me the moment at which somebody dies. But don’t worry! These are never clairvoyant predictions. They are memories stored away deep within the energy system and relate to deaths in past lives. Having given much thought to what I have been shown, I believe that a vastness of healing, love and joy awaits the majority of us at the point of death.
When asked by a neighbour to send healing to her sick friend, Andy, I recorded the psychic messages that I received on his behalf. In their raw form these communications were not easy to understand, so I spent some time writing them up. In this way, I could explain the more cryptic aspects of what I had seen and heard. Andy would be the receiver not only of powerful healing but also of heartening messages!
Andy was terminally ill. He was staying at St Barnaby’s Hospice in Lincoln and knew that he had only a few weeks left. With the spectre of death creeping ever closer the situation felt helpless. It was a dark moment for him.
No way back
There comes a point when it is simply too late to bring someone back from the brink of death. The process has gone too far. But that doesn’t mean to say that healing is a waste of time. On the contrary, it is anything but that. Healing just before death brings deep peace, easing the passage between this life and the next. The messages I received for Andy followed this pattern, instilling calm and understanding at his greatest moment of uncertainty.
Death is a moment of transition
The first word I heard was ‘removing’. From this I understood that Andy was being reassured about dying. Death is a time of transition to a higher state of being. It is not the end. His existence is not finished, he is merely moving residence! ‘Removing’ meant something else too. Andy’s spirit guides are telling him that they are working on removing his fears about dying so that he can be more focussed in his last moments here on Earth.
Freedom and renewal
The next word is ‘canary land’ and at the same time I am shown a yellow canary facing right. Its crest of white feathers is substantial. Birds symbolise freedom from earthly limitations and here the message is clear. Andy is being told that soon a time will come when he will be released from his mortal body. He can then enjoy a sense of freedom once more. Just as a bird soars above the countryside so will Andy be able to observe Earthly events from afar, and with a greater perspective. His new home will be a spiritual land full of joy. Here, yellow is used symbolically to represent happiness and fun (sunshine). White is the colour of spiritual purity. A crown or crest represents majestic authority while feathers are about transformation. Those symbols together tell me that this moment of transformation will be very special indeed (a crowning moment) and one when he assumes great spiritual authority.
Next I hear ‘car park’ and ‘bathroom’. In this extraordinary spiritual language the car symbolises the body – the physical vehicle. Andy is being told that soon he will be leaving his body behind. It will be permanently parked in the car park! But that’s not a problem because he is able to move on without it. And the next stage will be one of cleansing (bathroom) or refreshing himself. This is the stage of renewal or healing that souls go through before they are ready to take up life in the spirit world.
I hear “it’s a garden room” and “my liberty”. From now on Andy’s entire focus (room) will be on spiritual pleasures (garden). He will be totally free from any physical restrictions (liberty) that he is currently experiencing.
Effortless transformation
A picture of the Duchess of Cambridge comes into my view from the right. I hear her flawless upper class accent. Why the Duchess? Kate symbolises a middle class girl who has slotted perfectly into her higher status as princess. The message is simple and calming. Andy is not to worry. His transformation to more noble planes will be as effortless as Kate’s has been down here on Earth. He will find it easy to fit into his new role.
Treated like Royalty
Now Queen Victoria appears sitting in a wheelchair! Her servants are pushing her towards the right. Another symbolic picture connected to royalty. What it tells me is that Andy has no need to be concerned about the process of dying. He will be helped all the way (servants). There is nothing he has to do except sit back (wheelchair) and allow it to happen. He will be well cared for throughout the process. In fact he will be treated like royalty!
Meeting departed ones
“Renewal” – Andy is told that he will be meeting beloved relatives who have passed over before him. He will be renewing old friendships. They will be waiting to greet him and show him the way. He won’t be on his own.
It was meant to be
“It’s time to go” and “it’s time to know”. The final message is once again one of reassurance. Andy’s spirit guides are confirming that this is the right moment to go. Everything is as it is meant to be – so relax! Now is the time to move on to greater spiritual truths.
Two weeks later Andy passed away at the hospice. He felt much calmer as a result of the healing, my neighbour told me, and expressed much gratitude. I was pleased that my work had been helpful to him in his last moments here on Earth.