“For every soul there is a guardian watching it”
Psychic activity in the healing room
For many years now I have been aware of the presence of spirit guides at my side during a healing session. Gently resting my hands on a client's head I send out to the Universe the intention to begin healing . What I see clairvoyantly though, and also hear clairaudiently, is the polar opposite of this tranquil, almost sleepy, setting......
Psychic surgery, crystal healing, alchemy, recharged chakras, detoxing bodily systems, even blasting through blocked energy lines with psychic gunpowder - my spirit guides are far from chilled as they set about their business!
Such enthusiastic psychic activity explains why so many clients experience unaccountable sensations during a session. Totally convinced that my healing has involved some kind of physical manipulation or massage, I have to explain that I never moved - not even once! Their experiences are actually otherworldly. These are spirit guides busily working on the etheric layer of the energy body.
Eavesdropping on a magical world
Listening in to my guides’ conversations is fascinating. One moment I hear the stern voice of a master giving orders to his helpers, the next I catch the wonder expressed by his students as they look on, awe struck by his dexterity.
These snippets of dialogue offer a tantalising glimpse into the extraordinary world of healing. “What’s she done with the manuals?” “We’ve had focussing hooks before”. These are spirit guides discussing how they have approached similar work in the past while searching for their tools. Just like us it seems that they need text books!
Healing is teamwork! Both practitioner and guides are crucial to the success of any task undertaken. A healer is never alone! The fact that you may not see spirit guides in the room (although some people can) doesn’t mean that they’re not playing an important role. They are!
While the healer sets the intention and channels positive energy through from Spirit, it is the guides who decide on the choice of healing – the best method given the unique circumstances of each case. Guides also manipulate the energy to achieve optimum effect within the time available.
Drafting in experts
My guides cluster around the healing couch during each session. Depending upon the procedure chosen, a specialist or even a consultant may be brought in. He will take charge of the work, while less skilled helpers or students watch and learn. They may pass him instruments if required and generally do his bidding. Ever willing to help their Master these guides often comment on the work at hand, especially when particularly impressed by something they have witnessed.
The hierarchy sounds familiar - consultants, specialists, junior doctors, students. Superficially it appears a similar system to our health services down here on Earth - but what they achieve, of course, is significantly different! Consultants are the busiest guides by far. With little time to waste they can act in a rather abrupt manner. No time for questions! They come in, do their work and off they go!
Junior staff
Junior doctors, on the other hand, are more relaxed. Always professional in their manner, they will take the time to explain outcomes, particularly if there have been unexpected difficulties during a procedure.
On one occasion I was shown a neatly bandaged arm. The decision had been made, I was told, to allow the arm to heal naturally. Evidently a bit of First Aid had been applied but the problem was considered too tricky to go deeper. They'd patched up my client! The doctor explained how this had been the consultant's decision. Then, in a remarkably human moment, he pondered "who knows whether that was the right decision?". Even in Spirit it seems that there are no absolutes.
Practical help
Not all guides are medically trained. I once heard the team call out for a tailor immediately after surgery. No doubt he was required to sew up the consultant’s handy work. After all, that is a tailor’s expertise!
Counselling is another non medical skill. Many times I have heard guides use reasoning and spiritual wisdom in an attempt to change entrenched ideas or stubborn attitudes.
Psychic surgery
If it is not possible to repair an injury using straightforward methods then surgery is performed. Damaged areas are removed and new energetic pathways created allowing the vital force to function once more at optimum capacity.
I once saw a bullet fused into surrounding tissue. Bullet and tissue were cut out, placed on soft white cotton and taken away. The cotton emphasized the delicacy of the operation, while the fused nature of the bullet and tissue told me that this was no easy matter. Part of the etheric field had to be cut away, suggesting that some permanent damage to the aura had occurred. In this case, the overall good achieved by surgery had been judged to outweigh the disadvantages of a small loss .
Straight afterwards I found myself in a room where everyone was partying like mad. Wearing silly hats and making funny faces, the medical staff were obviously letting off steam after the operation! They were celebrating a successful outcome! But it was also a message to me to feel gratitude, indicating that the process had been very stressful for the team. The outcome, although positive in this instance, had by no means been straightforward.or guaranteed.
Crystal healing
Crystal wands are used for concentrated laser style treatment while clusters are for more diffuse energy work. On one occasion I saw a wand pointing upwards into the base of the spinal column. This energetic ray focussed light into the spine. I interpreted this to mean that my client was being given extra strength of character (backbone) to deal with a difficult situation where previously he had felt weak willed (spineless).
On another occasion a cluster of crystals was placed on the left shoulder – an area where emotional burdens tend to be stored energetically. A gentle diffused light penetrated the whole area. Rather than focussing on one specific issue (wand) this time a range of feelings and experiences were being tackled at the same time, thereby lessening the general effect of these combined burdensome emotions.
Crystals are shown in different colours too. By relating these to the chakra system deeper understanding can be brought to the nature of the problem. For example, an orange crystal might indicate an issue around suppressed creativity. Alternatively, a yellow crystal could suggest that self confidence or self worth was at the root of the problem.
Alchemy is reserved for cases where there is a need to understand higher spiritual concepts in order to move forward. Before now I have witnessed globules of mercury dropped onto the forehead. This indicates that a profound change is about to occur in that person’s way of thinking. The use of a pipette emphasises the precise nature of this work and the importance of positioning. It is only one small area of the thought processes at fault.
I have personally experienced much benefit from alchemy. During one meditation I saw a globule of mercury carefully placed on my brow. Ever since that moment I have found it much easier to understand the symbolism of psychic messages - an area where previously I had been struggling, to say the least. I am exceedingly grateful for that intervention. It has made my life so much easier!
Ways of working
There is so much about the energy body that we simply don’t understand down here on Earth, and I am constantly surprised at the tactics chosen by my guides during a healing session.
In many ways guides are very human, especially in their comments as they work away at their task. They have their doubts and concerns in some cases, just as we do, but they also have a great sense of humour and a far greater perspective. I have discovered that nothing is impossible for my spirit guides to tackle. It doesn't matter how hopeless a situation may appear to us down here, spirit guides have a knack of finding solutions.
Sometimes guides greet me a with wink and a cheery call ( 'Morning, Mary!') as they walk past, arriving for the day's work. I am always surprised when acknowledged! It nearly jumps me out of my trance when they do that. But it also says something about the world of Spirit - it is full of love and laughter, and perhaps that is a lesson to us all on Earth.
Quality healing
The techniques available to a spirit guide depend entirely upon the level of development reached by the healer. As I become more experienced in my craft, and evolve spiritually through daily meditation, I am allowed access to greater powers. This is an on going process throughout life, and may account for why many of the great healers (although by no means all) are middle aged or older. They have had time to build up their ‘powers’ in a way that younger ones have not. Becoming a great healer takes dedication.
I am very conscious that my healing today is quite different, and more advanced, than it was a few years ago. The work my spirit guides is far more diverse and complex, reflecting the changes in me. The more I open myself up to spiritual ideas and concepts the further my guides can access deeper and more arcane styles of healing. Consequently, the more I dedicate myself to the craft of good healing, the greater are the results achieved by my guides. We are co dependant, a team working together.