Photo credit: Michael Chen ('Liz')
“It is not more surprising to be born twice than once,
everything in nature is resurrection”
This is an interesting piece of psychic research, and one from which I personally have learnt a lot. At the time when I received a request to look into Sparkle (horse) and Louise (rider)'s past lives together I had never given the idea much, if any, thought. The notion that animals and humans reincarnate together for their mutual good, enabling soul growth through challenging and loving interactions, now seems quite reasonable. At the time, however, it was a whole new concept, and one which I found quite intriguing. With an open mind (and my voice recorder at the ready) I asked Spirit for enlightenment on this matter.
In total I was shown five incarnations where Louise and Sparkle had been together as horse and rider. The sex of either could and did change from one incarnation to the next, but the fundamental relationship remained the same. The scenery was consistently either in the east/south east of England or northern France. I suspect that this limited geographic area was chosen to maximise the potential for spiritual growth. Readjusting each time to new landscapes and cultures drains precious energetic resources. Freed from this task newly incarnated beings can progress faster, concentrating on the all important lessons they have chosen to learn.
Dates and Places
Dating visions is always tricky. Many images flood my mind during a meditation, and these contain clues to historical periods. Characters dressed in historical costume are fairly straightforward to date. Scenery reminiscent of the backdrop from well known films are another way for Spirit to indicate locations and historical period. These are no 'chance' pictures. They are placed in my mind specifically for the purpose of recognising the historical setting for each incarnation.
The settings for Louise and Sparkle's mutual past lives were shown in the following order:
• Northern France, c.1635
• Home Counties, c.1810
• Northern France, c.1380
• Windsor Great Park, 1930s
• Leicestershire, 2014
Initially perplexed by the strange chronology (late Medieval life is placed centre), I soon realised that the sequence of lives was dictated by other issues. It was more to do with lessons learnt and spiritual growth than tidying the dates into good historical order.
Sparkle's viewpoint
Everything here is shown from the horse's perspective. This focus will be because I held a sample (witness) of Sparkle's hair while meditating. Had I held Louise's hair I suspect that the focus would have changed to her viewpoint.
French Chateau, c.1635
Events take place in a rather shabby French chateau in northern France. The state of the building reflects the decaying relationship between horse and mistress (the chatelaine). The close bond between the two of them has deteriorated over time, and this is upsetting to the horse.
Her mistress, who is still young in her 20s, wears the wealthy clothes of a French aristocrat, c.1635 - an indication of when events took place. She has the haughty attitude of a noblewoman, and lacks the patience to deal with a difficult horse. In part this is caused by the financial difficulties she finds herself in. The chateau's upkeep is causing deep concern, as she tries to maintain standards. The chateleine's age tells me that she is inexperienced in understanding her horse's emotional needs.
The horse is a brood mare, and in great distress because her foal, whom she loves very deeply, has been sold. Struggling to come to terms with a future without her foal, she is moody and difficult for her mistress to control.
Aware that the horse is out of sorts, but unable to relate empathetically, the chatelaine's answer is to mate once more. I hear the words "do it again". Her mistress's total ignorance of her true feelings is upsetting to Sparkle. She is hurt that her mistress' thoughts are centred entirely on financial gain from another foal rather than the joys of motherhood.
The relationship between horse and rider is seriously out of balance. While the horse loves her mistress, and is obedient to her, the chatelaine perceives her horse as a mere commodity.
The horse has memories of happier times with her mistress when they were almost ‘like one’. They understood each other so well then. They would ride together as the perfect team.
The purpose of this part of the healing is to lift the horse’s spirits, and to heal the pain of separation from her foal. The connection to Spirit (in which she began to doubt) is much strengthened through healing.
In between lives: The intention in the next life is to have a stronger bond between master and horse. I hear the words "this is going to be linked out more firm". In other words, the link between horse and rider will be made firmer by work in the next incarnation.
The 1635 life had a promising start. In the early days horse and mistress had been an equal team, but this balanced relationship deteriorated quite rapidly through lack of maturity on the mistress' part. Her approach was too materialistic.
Knowing each other’s place, as master and servant, with mutual respect is key to a firm but loving relationship, and this is the aim of the next life.
Home Counties c.1810:
This second incarnation takes place in the Home Counties of Regency England. I am shown Colin Firth dressed as Mr Darcy, so I know that this is the household of a very wealthy English gentleman. Darcy's character tells me that he is quietly spoken, principled, fair and kind in his dealings with his horse.
A bridle path appears. A group of wealthy people are out riding together, but my focus is on the leader. His bearing is upright and noble. This is a leader of Society. Horse and master are a team, leading others through example. He is a good master, always treating her in a heartfelt way.
This is very different from the last incarnation. However, there are limitations. I hear the words "I don't need to do anything at all". Life is completely planned out for her. Sparkle's freewill is severely limited. Nevertheless, she enjoys being with her master, and they have fun together. I hear "life insured". She is guaranteed a good life with her master. He will always look after her.
She is always obedient, even though she would often like to do something else. I hear "worth the while". Strict obedience is worth it for all the benefits that she gains from the relationship.
In between lives
This time Sparkle experienced security and good care in return for giving up freewill (choice). Her relationship with her master was empathetic. He understood her a lot better than the earlier incarnation in France. Louise has, in that sense, progressed spiritually between incarnations. What will be achieved next time?
Northern France, c.1380
I am now shown an itinerant blacksmith. Living off his wits, he ekes out a living wandering around northern France with his old horse. A scene from "The Knight's Tale" (film) dates this past life to around 1380.
I see a horse in the twilight of his life. He is old, lean and unkempt. It has been a tough life, relentlessly working for his master. He is used to basic shelter from the elements. The fundamental relationship here between horse and master is that of work. They must pull together if they are going to survive. There is no opportunity for comfort. A canopy over their working area tells me that this harsh lifetime has damaged the master's connection with Spirit. There is a barrier, which if not healed, will cause problems in future lifetimes.
Once again, the horse is learning to be obedient to his master. In this incarnation his very survival depends upon strict adherence to his master's word. They must be a good team if they are to survive. Although a strict taskmaster, his master loves him dearly. This is best illustrated at the end of his life when the horse is badly injured and collapses from a work related accident. His master is generous in the time he spends tending to his needs so that he might have as easy a transition to the next world as possible.
In between lives
This time Sparkle and his master are better balanced . It is a tough life but they pull together, always working as a team. The importance of obedience is learnt, but most importantly he experiences his master's true love and affection. However, Louise's connection to Spirit has been damaged slightly. Unless healed, later incarnations may become more materialistic.
Windsor Great Park, 1930s
A privileged and wealthy life in the late 1930s near Windsor Great Park, Berkshire.
Two horses are in the ‘winter’ of their lives. They are life long companions, but one has now died. The pain of this loss to the remaining partner is immense. It has stabbed her to the very core.
I am now shown the horses' mistress. Her appearance is that of Princess Margaret Rose in her teenage years. She wears jodhpurs and is galloping across Windsor Great Park. What this tells me is that Sparkle's mistress is rather spoilt and selfish. Her immature attitude means that she is ignorant of her horse's needs. Bored with her horse’s erratic behaviour she soon exchanges it for another. This was actually a blessing in disguise, because it enabled the old horse to live out its old age in more peaceful and harmonious surroundings.
In between lives
This life has taken a backward turn, at least for Louise. Her materialistic attitude and lack of empathy, compounded by events in the Medieval life, means that her connection to Sparkle has been damaged. The task in the next life will be to turn this round.
Leicestershire 2014: This is the current lifetime with Louise and Sparkle. They have incarnated together again for each other’s benefit.
Here we see a youthful horse wearing sparkling sequins and holding a bubbly glass of champagne. This symbolises her name (Sparkle) and character (bubbly). This is a horse who is having fun and loves life. She is side by side with her owner - shown very much as her consort. This is a true partnership. Her owner is well read in the ways of horses, and consequently understands her properly. Initially, it may have looked an unlikely combination, but it has lasted the test of time, and there is now a strong bond between them. They are great friends.