Photo credit: Billadrian96 'Blue universe' ( [CC BY-SA 2.0]
“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak”
Messages from afar
A peaceful semi conscious dreaming state! In this relaxed mood vivid images flood my mind and words of great wisdom enter my inner ear. Spirit is always around me but only when I'm calm and centred can they get through.
A busy mind will inhibit psychic messages from registering consciously. So it is important to chill out when you want to commune with Spirit!
Psychic powers
Fascinating and insightful, these communications relate to every aspect of my healing work. As well as clairvoyance (psychic seeing) and clairaudience (psychic hearing) I receive messages through clairsentience (psychic feeling). These physical sensations add further depth to my understanding. For example, when I feel deep heartache I know that sadness must be released from the energy body before good health can be restored.
Recovery from physical ill health often requires healing to the emotional states. The mind and body are closely interlinked in illness - far more so than most people realise.
Other-worldy and yet human too
I hear my guides talking to each other, discussing a psychic operation in progress or a particular difficulty they have encountered. It all helps me to build up an understanding of the complexity and sophistication of these other-worldly healing techniques.
In many ways my guides are remarkably human. Dedicating themselves to each new project with gusto, their focus is intense and precise. They work hard on our behalf! Afterwards, just as we do after a stressful day's work, they need a break, and sometimes I will see them partying holding a glass of wine!
There is always an important message behind each image. When I am shown a celebration I know that the work just done has been tricky. It was intensive and stressful. Success was by no means guaranteed. But they've done it and an afterparty is now in progress!. This insight deepens my gratitude for their perseverance, workmanship and expertise in difficult cases.
The idea that healing is instant - one miraculous touch (as suggested by Biblical stories) is simply not true. There are often many layers to heal before good health can be restored.
A sophisticated language
Not all messages make sense at the time when I see them. It is only afterwards, when I sit down and analyse them, that I start to understand what they might mean. This is because messages are not straightforward. That would be far too simple! They are symbolic and need correct interpretation.
I receive a lot of messages as pictures. They can be of individual people, scenes or colours. Some are 'movies', running through a series of events in close succession. Others are 'stills'. The pose, colour, direction, size and position of each image adds further content to the message.
This is a sophisticated language which has taken me many years to interpret successfully. As I progress in my study of psychic symbols so do I achieve deeper insight - new layers of interpretation which had previously passed me by.
Modern technology!
Words and pictures come and go so fast during a healing session that it is impossible to retain all the information. A few years ago I could remember only a fraction of the images sent to me. The rest were lost forever, slipping away rapidly as I awoke from my trance. Almost within my grasp but not quite, it was a frustrating situation indeed. Then I discovered a voice recorder!
The voice recorder enabled me to describe what I was seeing and hearing at the instant it was experienced. A huge amount of extra detail could now be added to my images. This was a whole new world, and very exciting!
Many purposes
Messages are sent primarily for reassurance, guidance and hope, but they are also educational. It takes time to heal the physical and emotional bodies, and sometimes many sessions are needed to achieve success, This psychic feedback is a way of keeping tabs on what is happening and why. By revealing the multi dimensional nature of the problem I am shown why the pace of progress may appear to be slower than my client had hoped. This is about managing expectations!
In reality there is much to do. Blockages, wounds, negative attitudes, limited mindsets, past life traumas, and many other things have to be tackled by my spirit guides as they embark on a healing project. Rome wasn't built in a day! Patience is required.
A Psychic Report!
I write reports when requested, These are my interpretations of the psychic messages received. Please visit the Seichim section of this website for further details about this aspect of healing.